How to Grow Your Blog: A Fashion Blogger’s Guide to Online Success

December 28, 2020 4:11 am

Thanks to digital advancements, so many young and aspiring bloggers can pick the niche they’re most passionate about and where they can give valuable knowledge to others. If you’re proud of your sense of style and you’re the go-to fashion guru for all those around you – why not turn that skill into a profitable opportunity online?

Still, before you take the leap, remember that the world of fashion is a highly competitive industry, oversaturated with bloggers, influencers, and Instagram stars. Knowing that, you shouldn’t be intimidated, but you also cannot take this challenge lightly. Let’s go over a few of the most vital ingredients in your digital strategy to get your blog off the ground and aim for digital stardom!

Pick your niche carefully

Before you start blogging, make sure you pick a niche that corresponds to your knowledge as well as your style preferences. From athleisure for sport-loving fashionistas, luxury shoes, all the way to beachwear and boho looks, you can tailor your blog based on your own experience and the kind of brands you wish to collaborate with in the future.

Build a site worthy of your brand

You might not be a developer yourself, but you will certainly need a blog built on a strong and reliable platform. You can work with professionals to create a blog for you that you can then learn how to maintain and update, and of course, publish content for your audience.

Most of all, make sure that the look and feel of your website mimic your brand and your fashion ideas. After all, your brand image needs to be consistent with your fashion preferences, and it needs to reflect your values and purpose as a fashion blogger. You wouldn’t expect a goth fashionista to build a site with pink butterflies stapled all over the home page, or a minimalist Scandi fashion guru to have a cluttered site with pop-ups everywhere. 

Keep SEO in mind to stay visible

No matter how skilled your developers are and how beautiful your site looks when you launch your blog, you also need to make sure that you can rank high enough for people to find you when they search for fashion tips.

To make sure your site is technically sound and that all your SEO elements are in place, you need to get a technical SEO audit on a regular basis. This audit will help you discover any elements on your site that need further optimizing, such as loading speed, image-related SEO, and mobile optimization. Ongoing maintenance is vital for the reputation of your blog, and it will also keep your site safe and secure for anyone to enjoy your content.

Mind your content output

Once you have the basis ready (your site, SEO, and brand), you can start producing and publishing your fashion content. Be mindful of your target audience, what they want to know, and what they find valuable. In time, you can build your reputation, but it all begins with regular content creation and staying productive over the long term.

  • High-quality images of outfits and your style ideas are essential, both for your site and your social media.
  • Writing engaging blogs means offering actionable tips, valuable and innovative ideas, and inspiration. Make sure that your publishing schedule matches what your audience prefers! Afin de répondre aux besoins des particuliers et professionnels, Pharma GDD vous propose d’acheter en paquet ou directement en carton la solution la plus adaptée (slip absorbant, change complet, priligy protection anatomique).
  • Style videos, live streams on social, and newsletters are also part of the deal: notify your followers on what they can expect, create some hype around your blog, and keep all your digital outlets connected through regular posting. 

Engagement is vital 

This is where the magic happens, this is why you’ve started this business in the first place! Now that you’ve started posting content updates on a regular basis and you share your ideas on social media, too, you should strive to engage at every turn. 

When there’s a chance, start discussions, show appreciation when someone comments, and respond as soon as possible. Whether you want to build body positivity in your community or raise awareness of sustainability issues, this is the right moment to inspire interest and start conversations. 

Although no business can be summed into a simple list of five steps, these are the most essential steps you need to make in the first stage of building your blogging presence. Once you have that settled, focus on consistency to ensure your brand lives on, and make sure people see how much you love and appreciate your status in the online community.

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