First Things First: How to Take Care of You?

December 5, 2017 8:30 am

Have you ever been told that you always care about others? Or even, do you put them before you? Are you always there no matter what? There is nothing wrong with this, many times it happen to us.  But, do you know when it becomes something not so good for you? Well, it happens when you start putting everyone always first, and you leaves you for the end, really for the end.

There are some people who can even call someone “selfish” for thinking about themselves, but in reality we have to differentiate several things. And, if you sometimes think that you are selfish for think about you, I recommend that you continue reading.

To begin, let’s talk about what it is to CARE. Many times when we take care of someone (or even something), we think if that person has eaten, if has cold, how  feels, if is very burdened, if there is something that could hurt that person, if did well on the way home, and much more. Now think if that same care that you have towards others, do you have it for yourself?

Today I want to talk about self-care. The name is super clear, CARING FOR YOURSELF. Many times for X things from life, from YOUR life, you may have learned that watching over you has to be once you have done it for others, and that is not true. Sometimes we think (without realizing it) that our friends, our work, or even our couple deserves our attention first, and NO, that’s not how it works.If you want to work well in your life, the first thing you have to do is to be able to learn to take care of you.

Ph.Buena Vida

How? You can start by asking yourself what you ask for others:  How do I feel?, Did I eat well today?, Do I need a break?, Do I need to talk something to someone?, among many things. Taking care of you goes from thinking about your health, your diet, your sleep, how you feel and attend to that, and how your relationships with others go. Even giving yourself a treat just for the sake of taking care of yourself as I would do with someone else.

Self-care is very important, and it’s because you take care of what you care about, its just that sometimes we forget it.

I do not know if you’ve heard of this before, and if you’ve heard it, I do not know if you put it into practice, but what I would recommend you, is that you can start responding right now that you’re reading, do you take care of yourself enough?

Ph.La mente es maravillosa

Have a good week. TAKE CARE OF YOU, and until next post.

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