Why Eat Mango?

January 29, 2018 10:19 am

Hello! How are you?

Mango is delicious. Today I’m going to give you one of my favorite recipes to enjoy it. With this recipe we add a little more fiber to absorb slower fructose (tip for those who are afraid of the mango because it has to much sugar). Yes … there are people who stop eating this delicacy for fear of “getting fat” but in reality everything is in the portions and combinations.


Why eat mango?

  • It gives us Vitamin C and Vitamin A
  • It provides us with minerals such as magnesium and potassium
  • Provides a lot of ]energy good for athletes and children

This fruit is the favorite of many and we are in season so we must take advantage of it. As I told before when mixed with fiber slows down the absorption of  fructose (sugar), This is a super fresh recipe that I’m sure you’ll love.

Martha Stewart 


1 mango
1/2 cup of chia seeds
2 cups of vegetable milk (almonds, coconut, rice, etc)
1/2 teaspoon of optional cardamom
1 tablespoon of honey



That Girl Cooks Healthy



Hydrate the seeds with vegetable milk and add the honey to give sweetness. Stir the ingredients well and leave to refrigerate for 2 hours or until the chia seeds are in a jelly-like consistency.

Cut the mango so that all the flesh is obtained and then puree the mango in a blender. You can mix the mango with the chía or as in the photo, serve it in layers.

I hope you liked the recipe! For more healthy tips, follow me on Facebook and Instagram.



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