My Favorite Essential Oils

December 11, 2017 8:30 am


Hello! I hope you all are okay! Today I want to tell you about something I discovered a while ago and I’m obsessed. Essential oils are pure oils extracted from plants that concentrate all the healing properties of trees, flowers or leaves.

Currently there is a great diversity of oils that are used for everything such as headaches, stress, acne, etc. There are even people who have replaced their medicine cabinet with these oils. If I talk about all the oils this post would have to be thousands of pages so I will only talk about my 3 favorite oils: Lavender, tea tree oil and mint.


Lavender has many benefits that I will detail below. I use it to relax, or if I feel muscular tension. It also helps a lot to smell it and use it on my wrists or under my ears to fall asleep.


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  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Ee can be ground between fingers and rub on the temples. This topical application can soothe the body and mind by relieving anxious thoughts and balancing the mood.
  •  Treat sleep problems
  • Lavender can soothe the nervous system and can also help clear your mind of negative thoughts.( It is a good idea to accompany her with a meditation).
  • Anti-inflammatory qualities
  • Skin care – Mix water with droplets of lavender essential oil in a spray bottle. When your skin feels dry or irritated, simply sprinkle some of the water infused into the area.
  • Protects the health of the heart – The relaxing qualities of lavender, which come from its organic compounds and antioxidants, also help the heart by reducing blood pressure and relieving tension in the blood vessels.



I use tea tree oil  to reduce inflammation of pimples and wounds. Below will detail other uses.

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  • Treatment against acne – An effective remedy is to apply on a cotton ball in tea tree oil and then gently apply the oil on the affected areas before going to sleep.
  • It has been found to accelerate the healing process of wounds while alleviating discomfort.
  • Treatment for fungus of the nail of the foot. Apply 1 to 2 drops of the oil directly on the infected nails and rub it up and under the tip of the nail. Repeat this once a day.
  • Treatment for warts


Mint or Peppermint I use it for headaches, for back pain and in the vaporizer to give a fresh smell to the environments and energize me.


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  • Digestive
  • Helps reduce colonic spasms. It can also relax the muscles of the intestines, allowing  gas to pass and relieving abdominal pain.
  • Dental caries and bad breath. The extract of peppermint oil has been shown to be superior to chlorhexidine mouthwash in inhibiting the formation of biofilm formations related to dental cavities.
  • Respiratory benefits. Peppermint oil acts as an expectorant and decongestant, and can help clear the respiratory tract. Use peppermint essential oil as a cold chest massage or inhale through a vaporizer to help clear nasal congestion and relieve cough and cold symptoms.
  • Headaches. Peppermint oil can help relieve tension headache. For a headache, try applying some drops to the wrist or sprinkle some drops on a cloth and then inhale the scent. You can also massage the oil directly on the temples and forehead.
  • Muscle pain. Peppermint can help relieve muscle spasms and pain. Try massaging your essential oil on aching muscles or adding it to your bath water to relieve muscle pain. You can also put the oil in a burner to obtain a scent that relieves stress.


Common medications can have adverse effects, returning to the natural in some cases is more healthy and efficient. I hope you can use these oils as much as I do! And if you already use them, tell me what your favorites are and why they use them :).

If you want more information about healthy tips, follow me on Facebook  and Instagram. If you would like to know more about essential oils you can read Balance Beautiful post.





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